January 2007
published: Tue, 2-Jan-2007 | updated: Fri, 5-Aug-2016
Here are the articles that were published in January 2007.
The Delphi Hour
This evening I had a bit of a laugh: I was the special guest on The Delphi Hour with Nick Hodges. Read more...
Catalog Card
I was in Panera the other day, using their free WiFi to do a litttle work away from my home office, when I noticed a crumpled catalog card on the floor. Read more...
Most visited pages for 2006
I had an hour or so to spare this evening, so I decided to check which of the pages on this site were the most frequently visited last year. In other words, of my pretty voluminous writings, which pages were the favorite? Some of the results were pretty surprising to me, so I thought I'd share. Read more...
Hazard Pointers (part 2)
Last time in this series on hazard pointers I looked at how the concept could help provide a node reuse manager for a lock-free stack using C#, admittedly without fleshing out the details of how hazard pointers would work under the hood. This time I just want to look at the lock-free queue in the same way, to see how hazard pointers would help provide lock-free memory management. Next time, we'll delve into the C# code for the hazard pointers themselves. Read more...
Five Things You Didn't Know
Ye Gods, I've been tagged by Dustin Campbell to list Five Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About Me, But Were Afraid To Ask (or something like that). Yes, it's one of those viral bloggy things that I thought I'd escaped. But no, Dustin scraped the bottom of his barrel and came up with me. Read more...
Hazard Pointers (part 1)
Back in September, I discovered a subtle bug in my node reuse code for my lock-free data structures. The bug has a name, the ABA problem, and I kind of promised to come back and solve it at some point. Well, it's a New Year, that was then and this is now, so let's go ahead and solve the problem. It helps that my January 2006 article for The Delphi Magazine solves the ABA problem for Delphi, and that implementation was the hardest, at least in theory. Anyway, unlike my thinking at the time, we're going to use hazard pointers to implement a lock free node reuse algorithm in C#. Pointers? C#? A contradiction, or just nasty unsafe code? Read more...
Pirates of Penzance is Best Musical
Back in May/June 2006, I appeared as a pirate in Pirates of Penzance for the Rep at the Fine Arts Center. It was a fun show to do, although I didn't have that big a part (as a role, it was more visual than vocal). Anyway, John Moore, the theater critic for The Denver Post, really liked it, so much so that we won Best Musical in the Denver Post Ovation Awards for 2006, beating out some extremely stiff competition. Chris Sheley, our set designer, also won Best Set Design. Congratulations to everyone in the cast and crew, and of course to Sandy Bray, our director and the FAC's Artistic Director at the time.