September 2007
published: Sat, 13-Oct-2007 | updated: Fri, 5-Aug-2016
Here are the articles that were published in September 2007.
Setting Up My Sony Clié
In which your intrepid traveller through life comes to recognize that saving money on cheapo electronic gear will bite you in the butt eventually. On the way he decides to list the software he finds essential on a Sony Clié NX70V, ready "for the next time". Read more...
Audi, yeah; Hertz, meh
On our recent trip to visit the homeland and my family, we stopped off at Hertz at Heathrow as usual to pick up our rental car. As we drove in to the Hertz place on the mini-bus from the terminal, we saw an Audi A3 ready for pick-up in the Gold Membership area. We looked at each other and agreed it would be fun to rent one, just to see how different it was from mine. Read more...
People of Colorado vs Rabes, Erik Dean
This morning as I walked out of the District Court in Colorado Springs, I took a huge breath of fresh air. The sun was shining, dazzling the people in front of the courthouse. It felt good to be out of the slighty cramped courtroom, and it felt damn good to be outside; a sense of freedom that Erik Rabes would never enjoy again. I doubt very much he'll ever be out of jail. I smiled. Read more...
Applauding Audi
Friday was the first service of my Audi A3, at 5000 miles. A smidgeon under 5 months, so it's a good time to talk about my impressions of the car. Read more...