November 2004
published: Wed, 24-Nov-2004 | updated: Fri, 5-Aug-2016
Here are the articles that were published in November 2004.
Recursive Selection Sort
I was browsing through the access logs for my website and I came across a search phrase that was used to access my site from Google: "recursive selection sort in vb". We'll ignore the VB part (I'm not in the mood for writing VB code tonight), but the first part got me thinking. Read more...
Some answers on TDD
In which I answer a few general questions about how I use Test Driven Development (TDD) in my own work. Read more...
On Acting
I just realized that a page I'd set up on this web site hadn't any links to it. Doh! It's a long list of the plays in which I've played a character, or which I've directed. Read more...
If you think things seem a little thin around here, there's only so much of me to go round. (My wife would probably say, justifiably, that there's too much of me to go round: I should diet and exercise more...) Anyway, starting last Saturday, 6 November, CodeFez opened its doors. Read more...
Christmas comes early
Christmas does come early, once in a while, and this year it certainly will for my readers, and for those trying to buy my book. Read more...