February 2006
published: Fri, 10-Feb-2006 | updated: Fri, 5-Aug-2016
Here are the articles that were published in February 2006.
Calculate the date from an ISO date
One of the most popular pages on my website is the one where I discuss how to calculate the ISO week number of a date. Today out of the blue I was asked, if given an ISO week, how would you do the reverse calculation and find the original date. Read more...
From a post by Dan Miser, I came across SourceMonitor, a rather remarkable tool for developers. It calculates various metrics for source code in various languages, the most important languages for me being C#, Delphi and Java. The breadth of metrics is pretty good too, here the important one for me being cyclomatic complexity. It slices and dices, it's fast, and most impressively of all, it's free. Read more...
Delphi For Sale
If you're a Delphi developer, you must have been living under a remarkably big rock not to heard about the news that Borland is to, er, divest itself of Delphi, the other language compilers, and the other IDEs (which, to be brutal, just don't count). I thought Jeff Duntemann's title by far the funniest and the most incisive (Delphi Dumps Borland). Anyway, never let it be said that I'm too old to jump on a passing bandwagon. (Updated Sun 12-Feb-2006) Read more...
Delphi for .NET and 'volatile'
I had occasion over last weekend to do some research for an article on
the .NET memory model. Since the article was for Delphi readers (that
is, those using some version of Delphi for .NET) I needed to
illustrate my point using Delphi code, and in particular the
equivalent to the C# volatile
keyword. There isn't one.
(Updated: 7-Feb-2006)