February 2005
published: Thu, 10-Feb-2005 | updated: Fri, 5-Aug-2016
Here are the articles that were published in February 2005.
After some fun times at Falafel Software, it's now time for me to move on. Read more...
Over Promise, Under Deliver
Silly, I know. I've been a software developer for how long now? And the first thing you tend to learn in being one is that you should under-promise and over-deliver. Read more...
Before the rush at Bespokeware
It was four o'clock in Bespokeware, our à-la-carte software and hardware shop, about an hour before the evening rush of tired-and-stuck programmers hit. It was always the same on a Thursday: they'd over promised at the beginning of the week and come Thursday afternoon realized that they only had one day left to complete their projects. And that meant more business for us as they came rushing in looking for help. Read more...
Life is a Cabaret, old chum
For the past couple of months, I've had a side project that's been occupying my time in the evenings and at weekends. It's one of those projects that is completely orthogonal to my work life: nothing to do with programming. Regular readers will known what it is -- I've mentioned it a couple of times -- but it's time to come clean. Read more...