April 2007
published: Fri, 6-Apr-2007 | updated: Fri, 5-Aug-2016
Here are the articles that were published in April 2007.
Six-month progress report on Lulu
It's been a couple of days short of six months since I made my book available for purchase on Lulu. Time for a quick retrospective. Read more...
Vista vs. Julian. Round 4.
The irritating thing about last night's post was that immediately after writing it and publishing it to the website, the ghost in my machine awoke form its slumber and red-lined both CPUs at 100%. It was playing with me, taunting me. It was trying to show who was boss. Suddenly it came to me: when you have a ghost, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! Read more...
Vista vs. Julian. Round 3.
After yesterday's self-congratulatory blog post, Vista was lying in wait for me this morning. Read more...
Vista vs. Julian. Round 2.
After the last round when I retired bowed and bloody but vowing to continue, I decided that I needed proper (not beta) video divers for the Toshiba M200 tablet. So I waited and waited and waited. Toshiba themselves had decided that the M200 wasn't on their list of supported machines for Vista, but I hoped to get a driver directly from NVIDIA. Read more...
The Audi Essex
There I was in my local Starbucks, pouring some half-and-half in my coffee, when a scout leader, a man in his late forties, came up to me and said, "Is that an Essex?" Read more...
Colorado Five-O
Today is a day that, for all its ordinariness, is counted as being fairly important in our decimal number system. No, I'm not talking about it being the first day of the new English Tax year, but it being my birthday. The big Five-O, in fact. Read more...