published: Tue, 14-Mar-2006 | updated: Tue, 14-Mar-2006
Tomorrow is a big day for me. A very big day. Why? I start a new job, new as in it'll be for another company, and new as in I've never really done this particular kind of job before.
Starting tomorrow morning I will be Chief Technology Officer at Developer Express. Richard Morris (a.k.a. RAM), the current CTO, is returning to Australia at the end of the month and for some reason Ray Navasarkian, the CEO, thought of me to replace him. After I told Ray that he must be joking, no one could replace Richard and that he should just offer him more money, he gently persuaded me that I really did have a lot of skills and experience to bring to the company and that Richard really did want to go back to his home country.
So I will be joining Ray and Mark Miller and all the bloody amazing developers that work for the company (and that I still have to meet (and no I'm not implying that Mark is not a bloody amazing developer or he'll kick my butt (which he probably will after he sees me use CodeRush (but then again he'll snorting with derision too much to be able to catch me)))) and somehow driving the technology vision of the company as well as being a booth babe at the various conferences we attend.
One of my tasks is to set up a real, proper blog for Developer Express where I will talk about, well, stuff that's related in some way to Developer Express (or maybe not). It won't be a marketing-type blog (like certain of our competitors): it'll be a blog where I will talk about what I'm doing, what the market is doing, what Microsoft are doing, and, OK, I may talk a little about our products <g>. I'll probably reserve this blog on boyet.com to talk about algorithms and methodologies as much longer articles. But who knows how it will all turn out?
Anyway, stay tuned for further details over the next couple of weeks.