Deadlock when capturing standard output

published: Thu, 17-Nov-2005   |   updated: Thu, 17-Nov-2005

Over the course of my work over the past month or so, I've been very involved in multithreading and concurrency, especially with regard to C# and .NET. As a first approximation (!) to my involvement, witness my recent articles on lock-free data structures in C# 2.0 (here's the final one; it has links to the others), but here's another item in the same general area that you may also find interesting and useful.

This one came about because of some code I wrote and that worked in my tests but that failed in the wide (or should that be, wild?) world out there.

In the middle tier of our main application, we'll sometimes shell out to SQL Server's bcp.exe command line program to bulk load lots of data into the database. Simple, you cry, the Process class is what you want, and indeed it is. Furthermore we need to "screen-scrape" the output from bcp.exe for monitoring and analysis purposes.

Again, you cry, simple: you can redirect the standard output from a process you launch, by setting a flag, and then you can read the stream created. The word "then" in that sentence was the nub of my problem. Here's how I wrote the code to begin with.

string output;
using (Process bcp = new Process()) {
  bcp.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
  ...more setting up of bcp.StartInfo...


  output = bcp.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

Seems pretty obvious, no? You set up the info needed to start the child process, start the child process, wait for it to finish, and then grab all the output from it. Cool, and it worked fine on my development machine. Unfortunately, on the first heavily-used server we tried it on, we seemed to deadlock. (I say "seemed to" because you could also argue that bcp.exe was waiting for user input, and that was a trail I went down for an hour or so since I couldn't see the deadlock in my code. So, before reading any further, can you see the deadlock?)

The problem lies in what Joel Spolsky calls The Law of Leaky Abstractions. I'd assumed that the way this code worked was that the .NET Framework set things up in such a way that the code in the Process class would continue gathering the output in some kind of stream (like a memory or a file stream) until the child terminated, and then I could call ReadToEnd() on the stream's reader to get at the data.

Pah! Wrong. What happens under the hood, so to speak, is that the Process class sets up a pipe between the child process and the parent calling process. The ends of the pipe are, by definition, in different threads. Pipes work in that one end is pushing data into the pipe and the other is taking it out. It's not instantaneous: the pipe is set up with a buffer (whose size is determined by the operating system). Providing that the reading end is getting data as fast as the writing end is putting it there, the buffer doesn't fill. If the buffer does fill, the writer will block until the reader reads some or all of the data in the pipe's buffer.

Look again at my code. This code is the reading end of the pipe, but it doesn't read any data until the child process has terminated. Indeed the thread executing this code will block on the wait statement until the child process (the writer) has completed. So, if the buffer fills, both threads will block.

The nasty thing here is that it's not a "traditional" deadlock in the sense that thread A locks X, thread B locks Y, and then thread A tries to lock Y with B trying to lock X. Nope, not this time. The writer is blocked by the pipe because the buffer is full and so has to wait for the reader to read something. The reader is blocked waiting for the writer to finish until it tries to read something from the pipe.

The answer is to put the ReadToEnd() call before the call that waits for the child to finish.

string output;
using (Process bcp = new Process()) {
  bcp.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
  ...more setting up of bcp.StartInfo...

  output = bcp.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();


To me this looks wacky. My thoughts go like this: say the child writes "hello" to standard output and then doesn't write anything else for 5 minutes. Won't the ReadToEnd() immediately terminate? The only thing to read is "hello", therefore it's already read to the end of the stream, no? Therefore the caller rushes to the statement that waits for the child to finish and thereby loses all the other output of the child.

Except it doesn't work like this. Now that I understand the actual implementation (breaking the abstraction), I can see that ReadToEnd() in this case will not finish when it reaches the end of the current written data as I originally thought. Instead, it will read until the pipe closes and the child finishes. If there's nothing to read at a particular point, it'll block until there is something to read or until the pipe closes.

In fact, I'd argue the call to WaitForExit() is not strictly necessary. The pipe will only close once the child has finished. When ReadToEnd() completes, the child has already terminated (modulo a millisecond or two), and so there's no point in waiting for it to finish: you have all the child's standard output already.

This is a great example of a leaky abstraction: to code the capture of the child's standard output correctly you have to understand the way it's been implemented. Since the StandardOutput property of the Process class is typed as a simple StreamReader (the abstraction) there are no hints that there is anything untoward going on (the abstraction leaking).

Having said all this: if I'd read the MSDN page on the StandardOutput property for the Process class it would have warned me about this up front. But, heh, who reads the documentation?