May 2005
published: Mon, 2-May-2005 | updated: Fri, 5-Aug-2016
Here are the articles that were published in May 2005.
General admin notes
I've decided to make some changes to my blog here on The first one is that, starting 1-June, I'll be publishing entire blog posts on my RSS feed. The second one is that I'll be attempting to categorize (tag, in other words) my blog posts and then providing pages that list blog posts for a particular category. The last one is that I'll be posting updates about my articles in The Delphi Magazine. Read more...
Cabaret is awarded Best Musical
Wow, this is bloody beautiful. Back in February, with three performances every weekend, the Rep at the Fine Arts Center produced Cabaret, the musical. I directed it, and it was my first time at directing a musical. Today the Gazette (the local paper) published its "Best Of" for the period June 2004 to May 2005 and Cabaret was awarded Best Musical. Yay! Read more...
New thoughts on writing database applications
Over the past few weeks, we, the Architecture team at Configuresoft, have been involved in designing the Next Generation architecture for our product. My area of responsibility is the "middle tier", which ranges from the layer that accesses the data from the database engine, all the way up to the presentation layer, the bit just under the UI. Yeah, lotta work. Read more...
Using TDD when you don't know the technology
This came up in a discussion at work. "We need to write code to access technology X, which uses COM. How do we do it using TDD?" Technology X is very deep and rich and looking at the API is an exercise in frustration: how to we get to where we want to be? The task seems overwhelming. Read more...