January 2008
published: Wed, 13-Feb-2008 | updated: Fri, 5-Aug-2016
Here are the articles that were published in January 2008.
Jungle Disk
Back in October/November, I got to the point where I wanted -- nay, needed -- to use a desktop rather than a laptop for the majority of my work. My Dell XPS M1210 is great for travel because it's so light, but it's just not as powerful as I'd like. I certainly don't want to up- size to a larger "desktop replacement" laptop, I like the way my shoulders are, thank you very much. Read more...
Inspector Morse
Over the past three months or so I've been working my way through all 33 episodes of Inspector Morse, a series of "police procedurals" or "murder mysteries" from the late 80s and early 90s, with some one-off specials all the way up to 2000. The interesting thing about Morse was that each episode was two hours long (including commercial breaks), when the standard for the time was one hour episodes. Read more...